At 70 years old, Johan is not only the oldest personal trainer at Life n Fitness gym, but he’s possibly the oldest personal trainer in Malaysia.
Johan recalls a time when friends and family wouldn’t stop teasing him for being extremely skinny. It was common for him to receive passing comments like “You should eat more” or “The wind could blow you away” —
BUT ONE DAY he crossed his tipping point when someone insulted his wife by sarcastically asking her:
“You don’t feed him (Johan) do you?”
Hearing those words was a like a stab to his heart. That’s when he decided he would change — the first thing he did was sign up for a gym membership and personal trainer. It was during this time that Johan was inspired and began to see himself becoming a personal trainer one day.
However, it wasn’t until he retired at the age of 65 that he was finally able to pursue his passion in fitness as a personal trainer.
At first glance, Johan doesn’t look a day over 50
In his many years of training, here are the 3 things Johan has learnedthat helped him achieve his fitness goals.
You can start working out at any age because it’s the smartest decision anyone can make in their lifetime.
Be committed to reaching your fitness goals. Consistence is key because it’s not going to come to you so easily, you have to put in the work.
Your fitness journey doesn’t have an age limit. Johan truly believes that you can 70 years old or 100 years old and you can still be fit for your age.
It’s truly inspiring to learn how Johan was able to regain control of his life through exercise. But more than that, his story also shows us that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams and live an active lifestyle at any age.
If you would like to meet Johan, book a gym tour at Life n Fitness Ekocheras by contacting 0102214172or 0102214174 or visit to book your fitness consultation today!
Whether you’re just getting started with your fitness journey or you’ve been training for years, having a personal trainer is always a great investment. Over the last decade, the role of a personal trainer has greatly expanded from just counting reps to cover almost every aspect of your fitness journey.
Here are 5 reasons why you should work with a personal trainer.
1. They can create a workout program that is specifically designed for your body
No two fitness goals are exactly the same. Some people want to lose weight, while others are looking to build muscles, improve their athletic performance or improve their overall health.
This is where a personal trainer comes in.
A personal trainer will take the time to find out exactly what you are training for, your current level of fitness and medical history, how often you are able to train, and lots of other information to create a workout program that is tailored just for you. In fact, your first meeting with a trainer is usually about just getting to know you with very little training involved. You may feel this is time-consuming and unnecessary but remember – a trainer cannot train you if they don’t know you.
2. They help keep you accountable
Let’s face it — when working out on your own, you are always more likely to skip a session, sleep in instead of doing a morning workout, or just give up completely. While it might be okay to skip your workouts once in a while, doing it all the time will create a habit that can be difficult to break out of.
Of course, a personal trainer cannot force you to come to the gym but they can remind you of why you started and give you a reason to show up. For example, if you know a friend is coming to meet you for lunch, you will be less likely to cancel no matter how tired or busy you are.
3. They make sure you are working out safely
There are plenty of workout videos on YouTube and while most of these exercises may not be wrong, they may also not be right for you. A workout program for a bodybuilder who has been exercising for years is unlikely to be the same program that a trainer will use for someone who is just starting out.
In addition, it is very difficult to learn how to work out just from watching videos alone. Every exercise consists of many smaller steps all of which need to be done correctly to avoid injury and to give you the result you desire – even if the exercises may look simple like a push-up or a squat.
In this day and age where anyone can be an influencer and therefore an authority on fitness, the value of a personal trainer comes not just from teaching you how to do an exercise correctly but in giving you feedback when you do it wrong.
4. You can learn from their experience
As someone who works closely with hundreds of clients each of whom has different goals and bodies and challenges, a personal trainer is uniquely positioned to share with you not just their own experience in working out, but also the experience of all of their clients.
If something is not working for you, talk to your trainer and you will soon find that you are not the only person facing this situation. Of course, we all have that one or two friend who enjoys working out and with whom we can talk to about our challenges, but in comparison, there is a lot more value that lies in the wisdom of the crowd – and the bigger the crowd the more the wisdom.
5. They make fitness enjoyable for you
One of the main reason people stop working out is not because they don’t have time or they have other more important things to do but because they no longer find it enjoyable.
Personal trainers know when you are getting bored and when it is time to switch up your program and they will usually know you well enough to choose exercises that you will enjoy – or at least those that you do not dislike intensely.
Training with another person can also make your workouts more engaging and fun. You can chat and laugh while resting but make no mistake – your trainer will always have his eyes on the clock to keep your break time within the right limit so your workout can be as effective as possible.
At Life n Fitness, we have a full team of qualified and experienced personal trainers. To find out more about how you can work with your very own trainer, just send us an email at [email protected]or leave your contact details below and our friendly team will be in touch shortly!
But we also experience a shift in our muscle tissues and flexibility at this golden period of life.
Ageing causes chronic pain as our joints lose elasticity while connective tissues are prone to cramping and tension. Top of that, recovery is not easy for any older adult.
What if we tell you that there is a simple yet effective way to manage these elderly problems?
It’s an inexpensive tool that’s been proven to help with muscle tension, soreness, and flexibility — it’s called a foam roller!
What is Foam Rolling?
First things first, what is foam rolling?
It looks like a small PVC pipe covered with compressed plastic foam.
A foam roller works by releasing the tightness of the myofascial, a thin connective tissue surrounding our muscles. However, this tissue can become tight, thanks to the sedentary lifestyle and repetitive movement which can further impact flexibility.
Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release technique to ease muscle tension, improve flexibility, and boost movement efficiency. In layman’s terms, it is a self-massaging technique.
In this technique, you lie or press your body against the foam roller. This way, it creates pressure on that area. As a result, it helps release muscle knots and ease pressure on nearby joints.
According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, foam rolling can be an efficient treatment for minimizing stiffness and improving blood circulation in muscles. That’s why it can be an effective way to manage the associated elderly health problems.
Not convinced yet? Let’s walk through the benefits of foam rolling for seniors in the next point.
What are the Benefits of Foam Rolling as You Age?
Reducing Muscle Soreness and Tightness:
Do you often feel the unwanted and painful contraction of muscles in the legs and sometimes other parts of the body?
Well, it happens as we age. This condition starts as a muscle spasm which is due to muscle tightness and if it continues, it becomes a cramp. To avoid such conditions or ease your tight muscles, a foam roller can be really useful. Several studies have proved that foam rolling can help improve muscular performance and flexibility as well as to alleviate muscle fatigue and soreness.
It breaks down trigger points to certain points on your body by using your body weight. A foam roller relaxes the tight muscles and promotes oxygen flow, which enhances circulation.
Improving Range of Motion:
Ageing also impacts our range of motion due to tight muscles, pain, arthritis, injury or lack of activity.
Foam rolling can also address this common health condition.
This is because it pushes the muscles to stretch in a way that they flex, increasing the range of motion in the body. Long-term foam rolling, according to one study, can increase the range of motion without impacting strength.
Another study published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy has confirmed that foam rolling can help increase joint mobility and range of motion.
Improving Posture:
Live long enough, and you will experience you are not able to stand up straight like before.
That’s because our discs and vertebrae begin to deteriorate and break down. It is coupled by the thinning of the cartilage and connective tissues in the spine. While posture changes might be a normal part of ageing, they can lead to back pain, joint pain, headaches and muscle stiffness.
The good news is that you can maintain proper posture with some simple and effective techniques like foam rolling. It helps ease tension and relieve pain by massaging and realigning the shoulder blades, opening up the upper body and aligning the neck.
Improving Blood Flow:
Foam rolling can also help improve blood flow and raise the heat in the tissues it is applied to.
Now this one is a key benefit for any older adult as ageing arteries become stiffer and harder for the heart to pump blood, which can cause pain, discomfort, cardiovascular disease, and even death. According to one study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, foam rolling could be effective to improve blood flow in the elderly.
When you roll your body up and down on the foam roller, you experience a kind of pressure massage that naturally improves the circulation of blood through the veins, arteries, and capillaries of the body.
It helps loosen the muscles while stimulating limbs and other body areas.
Increasing Strength:
Ageing also takes a toll on our strength and stamina, thanks to decreasing muscle mass. This means that you might not be able to do activities such as running to catch a bus, walking around the lawn, carrying things, or playing with your grandkids like you used to do before.
Using a foam roller is a good way to start regaining your strength when used with other workouts like walking, yoga, cardio, and strength training.
The foam roller helps improve blood flow to working muscles and connective tissues, making you more pliable and receptive to increases in range of motion.
What to Keep in Mind While Getting Started with a Foam Roller?
Although a foam roller is a great way to improve your flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and reduce soreness as you get older – it is important to keep certain things in mind:
First of all, consult with your doctor or health and wellness trainer before you get started with foam rolling, especially if you have any health conditions.
Choose your foam roller wisely.
Always start slowly and carefully if you have very sore muscles.
Make sure to flush your system (body) and boost your muscles by eating right, staying hydrated and sleeping well.
Don’t apply direct pressure on very painful areas. Instead, start with the surrounding muscle area before easing the muscles in the whole area.
How to Choose the Best Foam Roller for Seniors?
For seniors, we recommend a longer foam roller because they are simpler to maintain in place when shifting postures.
They can occupy a little more space, but the added comfort makes up for it. If you choose one that is too short, they will often roll out from under you as you go.
The Conclusion:
So you must have understood how foam roller exercises can benefit you as you age.
Simply, foam rolling is affordable and one of the simplest techniques to improve your flexibility, blood flow and muscle relaxation.
However, there are some precautions to follow while using a foam roller.
Make sure to consult your doctor or trainer if you have any physical condition or chronic pain. Finally, choose the right foam roller. Get in touch with our group classes and personal trainer services now to make the most of foam rolling for your health. Also check out our Yoga Studio for better health and lifestyle.
As the number of elderly people in Malaysia continues to rise, healthy ageing – which means staying active and healthy as you age – is now more important than ever.
Regular exercises a vital part of healthy ageing and making the effort to incorporate even simple physical activities into your daily routine can have a dramatic impact on reducing age-related health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases.
However, senior citizens are also known to be at higher risk of injuries and it is important to select the right workout for yourself. A good guide to what could be right for you would be an exercise that slightly increases your heart rate from its resting rate but at the same time it is not so intense that it leads to undue stress on your body.
In this article, we will walk you through a few suitable exercises that anyone will be able to add to their daily routine safely.
(NOTE:If you are known to have any medical condition or if you have not been exercising for a while, please consult your doctor before performing any additional physical activity)seniors
Walking is the simplest form of exercise that you can do. Although it is not as intense as running, walking is still an effective workout that can raise your heart rate and improve cardiovascular health while being easy on your joints. Walking will also help to reduce the risk of other health problems such as stroke, osteoporosis, and the risk of falling.
Walking is something that anyone can do safely even if you walk with a cane or walker. In fact, these walking aids will help to support your body weight and improve your balance. Medical experts recommend 2.5 hours of walking every week for an older adult, which means you should aim to walk for 20-30 minutes every day.
There are many ways to incorporate walking into your daily routine. For example, you can take a walk with co-workers during your lunch break or walk down the hall and talk with your team instead of replying them in an email. Outdoor activities can also be added to the schedule during family events especially those that are suitable for all the different age groups.
Swimming is also a suitable exercise for seniors because the supportive nature of water significantly reduces the stress placed on your joints and also supports a full range of movement which will enhance your overall body strength, endurance and flexibility.If you don’t know how to swim, you can simply jog or walk in the water.
While swimming is a great physical activity for elderly, there are some things you should keep in mind. If you are new to swimming, make sure to take lessons from an experienced instructor. Secondly, always remember to do your stretching and warm-up before starting. It’s alright to take breaks if you find yourself getting exhausted and continue after a short rest. If you are swimming outdoors, the sun can take a toll on your skin so be generous with your sunscreen and keep up with your water consumption.
Cycling is another exercise that can provide cardiovascular benefits while being gentle on your joints. However, if you have difficulty balancing, fear of falling off, or if there are no good roads in your area, then a stationary bike can provide the same benefits.
Just like swimming, there are some precautions for you to follow before you start cycling. Always remember to put on your protective gears such a helmet and knee or elbow guards. If you frequently develop lower back pain, you can increase the padding on your seat or get a backrest installed to take the pressure off your lower back and tailbone. And remember to keep up with your fluid intake especially if you are cycling outdoors so you can avoid dehydration.
Dancing is a good option because in addition to the cardiovascular benefits it also helps to improve your co-ordination and balance. Dancing is also fun and it can contribute to your social life which is important especially if you are retired.
There are many different types of dancing so it is important to choose the one that is suitable for you. A few of the more popular options include line dancing, clogging or tap dance, salsa, tango or even seated dancing. Apart from just choosing a dance based on your capability or level of co-ordination, it is equally important to pick a dance that you enjoy so that you can continue doing it for a long time.
The Bottom Line
These are just a few of the suitable exercises that can be done safely by anyone including seniors. If you stay in Kuala Lumpur, you can also come over to Life n Fitness and see how our senior fitness programs can help you live your best life in your golden years.
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